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Bureau of R F and A Lands
Hd Qrs 5th Div 7th S.D. Va
Liberty Va May 31st 1868

Brvt Brig General O Brown
Asst Comr Dist of Va

I have the honor in compliance with Circular No 10 Series of 1866 Hd Qrs Asst Comr of Va to inform you that I have no cases of injustice to report from Botetourt Co. during the month, and only, and only one from Bedford. 

Commonwealth Vs. Lee Hopkins (col'd). Hopkins was arrested upon the charge of stealing a pig valued at $2.00 The grand jury found a true bill at the July Term (1867) and the case was set for trial at the November Term at which time he Hopkins appeared with his witnesses prepaired to show that his mother gave him the pig some four months before. Mr William Phillips stated that the pig was stolen and remained three days  On the third day he says he asked the attorney for the Commonwealth if the case was to be tried at that term and he informed him that he did not know and Hopkins went home. The case was tried and he was found guilty and a Capias ad audiendum judicuum was

Transcription Notes:
Capias ad audiendum judicuum: legal term ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-15 08:45:31 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-15 09:02:33