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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands 
Office Asst Sub Asst Com'r. 1st. Div 2nd S Dist Virginia 
Petersburg, Dinwiddie County Virginia 
June 30th 1868. 

Brv't Brig Genl. O. Brown. 
Asst Comir. B.F.F. & A.L. Dist Va., 

I have the honor to report for month of June 1868. in compliance with circular No 10, dated B.R.F & A.L. H.Q., Ass't. Comr. State of Va., Richmond, Va March 12th 1866, as follows:

There has been no complaints made to this office where parties have expressed themselves to have received injustice at the hands of the civil authorities. 

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdient Servt
Henry K W Ayres
AS.A Comr &c

Transcription Notes:
The second letter in the acronym following Comir before the letter begins should probably be an R. but it reads as two F's in a row based on the handwriting. Above note refers to this section of the transcription: "Comir. B.F.F.+A.L." Obdient = should be obedient Serat = short for servant Comir./Comi = short for commissioner Asst = short for assistant Div = short for division B.R.F.+A.L. = short for bureau refugees freedmen & abandoned lands Dist = short for district AS.A = I believe this is short for Assistant Sub Assistant or Assistant Subdistrict Assistant please use &, not + = B.R.F. & A.L. Com'r, not Comir = Commissioner Servt = Servant