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in connection with the marked reluctance betrayed by them towards adjudicating at trying cases in which colored persons appear as parties.  I have sent but few cases to them during the last month.  The careless manner in which such cases have been disposed of -  their marked indifference to the interests of the freedpeople - their unconquerable prejudice against the colored race &c &c, all tend to deepen the conviction in my mind that the necessity for the establishment of Provost Courts in each County of Va is more evident than ever, and especially is this the case in this portion of the State.  I have at the same time no cases of injustice to report by reason of the aforementioned fact. viz - most of the difficulties in which Freedmen are concerned are not sent to the Civil Courts but settled in this office.

I am General, Very Respectfully
Your obt Svt
Jno W. Jordan
ASA Comr &c