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Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Head qurs. 4th Div. 5th Sub Dist Va
Mathews Ct. Ho. Va. August 31, 1868

S.C. Armstrong
Sub. Asst. Comr. 5th Sub. Dist. Va.

In compliance with Par. V. Cir No. 10. 1866 I have the honor to report the following trials, in which Freedmen were concerned at the monthly Court, held for the County of Mathews at the Court House thereof on Monday the 10th day of August 1868
Commonweath ,   ,   ,   Pltf.}
v                            } 
Wm. Knight (Colored)    Deft.} On an Indictment for taking, stealing and carrying away, one shoat, of the value of five dollars, the property of F. White (Colored). The defendant acknowledges his guilt, in manner and form as in the Indictment alleged. Put himself upon the mercy of the Court Indicted by the Court to seven days imprisonment in the County Jail, and ordered that the Commonwealth recover of the same deft. his costs by him in his prosecution expenses. 
Commonwealth  ,   ,   ,   Pltf}
v.                            }
Peylin Collins (Col'd)    Defs} On an Indictment for stealing and carrying away one hog of the value of six dollars, the property of Nancy Richardson (White) The defendant appeared in Court according to the condition of his Recognizance and pleaded not guilty. Jury returned a verdict of "not guilty." Whereupon the said Peylin Collins was by the Court immediately discharged 


Transcription Notes:
A "shoat" is a young pig ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 15:38:58