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Bu. of R F & A. Lands
Head Qurs. 2nd Division 4th Sub Dist Va 
Goochland C.H. Va. Sept. 30th, 1868.

I have the honor to submit the following Report on Result of Turning over to the Civil Authorities jurisdiction in Criminal Cases for the month of September 1868.
But two cases have been tried during the month that merit notice. The first was that of William Thompson for the murder of Henry Brown (colored) in November last. This case was tried before the Circuit Court in Goochland, and the trial lasted three days. Judge Watson was on the Bench and conducted the trial very fairly and impartially.  The Defense, as anticipated, set up the plea of insanity produced by long-continued drunkeness on the part of the accused which resulted in mania a potu. The testimony of the witnesses upon both sides, white and colored, all went to show that such was the fact, and the accused was

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-14 14:40:16 mania a potu = another term for delirium tremens, which is a serious illness caused by drinking too much alcohol for a long time.