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295 2.V.68
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th Sub-District of Virginia,
Staunton, Va, October 31 1868.

Genl O. Brown
Asst Commissioner
Richmond Va

In compliance with Par VI Circular No X -, dated Head Quarters Asst Commissioner Richmond Va. March 12, 1866 - in relation to the result of the operation of the order restoring to the Civil Authorities jurisdiction in Criminal Cases over Colored persons &c - I have the honor to make the following Report so far as said orders pertains to this Division, Highland and Augusta Counties.

But two or three cases of a Criminal Character have been referred to the Civil Authorities during the month, and those were withdrawn before coming to trial, the parties concerned preferring to settle them amicably rather than subject themselves to the costs that would accrue from a legal investigation. All these being of a petit nature, I could not but approve of the action, of the complainant in withdrawing them. 

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