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but are frequently biased by their personal knowledge or acquaintance with, the white party. The manner in which testimony is heard, the nature of the questions asked, the absence of any record of the evidence, all demonstrate the absurdity of expecting judgments made up intelligently or justice meted out impartially. 

This is not only observable in the lower Courts. but in Jury trials - where the proceeding ab initio is simply a farce -
If entire fairness and impartiality be elements in a trial by Jury, the absence of both in many of Va Courts may explain the reason why so many white criminals escape and the colored as a general thing are punished. 

In looking upon and congratulating ourselves, that we are in some portions practically in possession of this great means of ascertaining the truth, and dealing justly to all. I think we magnify its importance. when we find that among

Transcription Notes:
Where did the [[1088?]] come from? Was that supposed to be in the transcription? * Answer, the NARA number at the very top of the film, over the image of the letter. HOwever, if the full number isn't present, we're not to put it there. * What looks like "abience" is actually "absence". "Reeard" is actually "record". Corrected transcript for "absence" and "record". Not sure what the word after "proceeding" is supposed to be. Researched word after "proceeding" as spelled "abinitio" and according to Merriman-Webster it means "from the beginning". ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-15 10:36:03 Ab initio is a Latin term that means "from the beginning".