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Chandler G.R.
Capt and A.S.

doing well and in good health and would like to stay as long as Mrs. Timberlake desires her services she is getting three dollars per month for her work and has her pay whenever she wants it. she is however willing to go home to her mother whenever she sends her means to do so she has no money of her own that she can spare as she needs all of her wages to clothe her self with. she also states that she has written to her mother once or twice within the last month but has not heard from her in return
Signed G.R. Chandler
Capt V.R.C. Asst Supt

Bureau R.F and A L.
H.Q. Ass't Comr Dept Potomac
Richmond Va Nov. 8th 1866

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj W.R. Morse Supt 4th Dist inviting attention to endorsement of Capt G.R. Chandler Ass't Supt
By order of Bvt. Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R."C" 542 4th V.66.

Cook. B.C.
Bvt Capt and A.S.

Bureau R.F. and A L
H.Q. Asst Comr D. of P.
Richmond Va Nov. 9.

Respectfully returned Bvt Capt Cook will ascertain whether his judgement can be collected by a civil process.
By order of Bvt. Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown

L.R."R" 113.4th V.66

Remington J.H.
Bvt Maj & S.

Manly R.M.
Supt Education

Received back Nov 8th 66
Bureau R F and A L
Office Supt Education
Richmond Va. Nov. 8 1866

Respectfully returned to Genl. Brown A A A.G. with the recommendation that the request of Capt & Bvt Maj J. H. Remington be complied with and the expenditure ordered.
Sigd R.M. Manly
Supt. Education

Bureau R.F and A L.
H.Q. Asst Comr D of P
Richmond Va Nov 9. 66

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj J.H. Remington Supt 9 Dist approved.


By order of Bvt. Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R."W" 741. 4th.V.66
Stone J.R.
Bvt Maj & Supt

Toby E.H.

Wakefield J.O.

Barnes Stuart
Capt & Supt

Received back Nov 9th 1866
Bureau R.F. and A L.
H.Q. Asst Comr. D of P.
Richmond Va Nov 9. 66

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl. O Brown.   A A A G Bureau R F and A L. D of. P. After a personal investigation I find that James O Wakefield was employed by Capt E.H. Toby April 12 65 as issuing clerk at Camp Distribution, at a salary of $50.00. per month -July 12th this camp was turned over for the use of Freedmen, Wakefield was retained by Capt Toby then Asst Supt of Freedmen Bureau to issue rations to the Freedmen. The employment of Mr Wakefield by this officer was without the authority of Capt. S. Barnes Supt of the Dist and his services were never reported to him. as the services of Mr Wakefield were performed in good faith I recommend that he be taken up on a supplementary Roll at a salary of $50.00 per month for the time he performed duty in the Bureau and for which he has not been compensated being two months from July 12th 1865 to Sept 12th 1865 The services rendered from April 12th 1865 to July 12th 1865 was for the benefit of the military and is not chargeable to the Bureau. that performed from Sept 12th 1865 to Sept. 30th 1865 has been reported by Capt Stuart Barnes and the money paid Wakefield
Sigd. James A Bates
Capt 43. U.S.I.

Bates James. A.
Capt 43rd Infy

Bureau R.F and A L
H.Q. Asst Comr Dept Potomac
Richmond Va. Nov. 9th. 66

Respectfully referred to Maj Stone Supt 2 Dist who will report this man for the time and wages named in Capt Bates endorsement
By order of Bvt. Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown
The first endorsement was not recorded in this book.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-17 09:24:54 SI personnel records: Mar. 1867–Jan. 1869 Subassistant Commissioner J. H. Remington July 1865–Nov. 1865 Assistant Superintendent Capt. E. H. Tobey ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 22:13:56