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War Dept Bu &c.

Johnson James
Maj and Supt

Evens Edwin

Sears Hector
2 Lt and Asst S.

Received back Nov. 9th 66
Bureau R.F. and A L
H.Q. Asst Supt 6th Dist
Fredericksburg Nov. 3.66

Respectfully returned to Maj James Johnson Supt &c with the information that I called on the Sheriff of King Geo Co Va and find that he took a gun from a colored man some two months ago that he does not know his name but thinks it is the same one mentioned within that he was acting under instructions from the County Court to take all U.S. Arms found in the possession of Citizens of King Geo Co Va and turn them over to the nearest Quartermaster of the U.S. Army that at the time he took the gun the colored man told him he had bought it of the Govt and that the had proof of it in Washington DC. He then put the gun in the possession of Edwin Evens Clerk of Maj Carson for whom the colored man had been working, with instructions that when the colored man returned with proof that they gun was his to give it up to him. that the gun is now in the possession of said Edward Evens Chatterton King Geo Co. Va.
Sigd Hector Sears
2nd Lt. V.R.C. Asst Supt

Bureau R.F and A L
H.Q. Asst Comr D of P.
Richmond Va Nov. 9th 66

Respectfully returned to Maj Genl. O.O Howard Comr inviting attention to endorsement of Lt. H. Sears Asst Supt.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R.N.55. 4th 66

Potomac Dept of

Van Lew. Miss

Grant. U.S.
Genl. USA

Butler Benj F.
Maj Genl USA

Fotham Mr. 

Bureau R F and A L
H.Q. Ass't Comr D of P.
Richmond Va. Nov. 9th 66

Respectfully returned to Head Quarters Dept of the Potomac with the report that there is no doubt but that Miss Van Lew performed service for the Govt during the war- in sending information to the Head Quarters of Genl. Grant and Maj Genl Benj F. Butler and that this service was rendered at great personal risk. Its value will be best known to Generals Grant and Butler. The Van Lews were notorious for their loyalty during the war. It is believed that the conditions of their pecuniary affairs is correctly represented by Mr. Fotham.
By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown


L.R.Y.7. 4th.V.

War Dept. Bu &c

McDonnell J A.
Capt and Supt

Young _

Williams _ 

Jenkins Mr

Cook Benj C
Bvt Capt & A.S.

Received back Nov. 9th 66
Bureau R.F and A L
Office Asst Supt. 3. D.
Richmond Va Nov 7th

Respectfully returned to Capt J.A McDonnell Supt. 3 Dist inviting attention to enclosed Bill of Indictment upon which Young was convicted He is now in the city jail under sentence of the Hustings Court for 9. mos no witnesses can be found for his defence except Williams who is also in jai for the same offence. From information derived from the sailor and Mr Jenkins clerk for the Court this man has several "alias's" he is a desperate character, and since his incarceration he has frequently garroted the newly arrived prisoners or otherwise robbed them and extreme measures have been obliged to be used towards him-
Sigd. Benj C. Cook
Bvt. Capt. and Asst. S.

Bureau R F and A L
H.Q. Asst Comr D of P
Richmond Va. Nov. 9th

Respectfully returned to Maj Genl. O.O. Howard inviting attention to endorsement of Capt B.C. Cook Asst Supt
By order of Bvt Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R.W 739.4th.V.

McDonnell J.A
Capt and Supt


Received back Nov. 10th 66
Bureau R.F and A L
Office Supt 3 Dist
Richmond Va. Nov 9th

Respectfully returned to the Ass't Comr with the information that the Boy is too young to travel alone
Sig'd. John A. McDonnell
Capt and Supt

Bureau R.F. and A L
H.Q. Asst Comr D of P
Richmond Va Nov. 11th 66

Respectfully returned to Capt J.A. McDonnell Supt 3 Dist. with order for transportation enclosed no 968. put the boy in charge of the conductor of the train to be left at Farmville in charge of the Asst Supt of the Bureau Notify the boys mother where he is sent.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl. and Asst Comr
O Brown

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 22:33:38