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Tennessee Asst Comr of

Browell Jackson


Bureau R.F and A L
H.Q. Asst Comr D. of P.
Richmond Va Nov. 10th 

Respectfully forwarded (thro H.Q. Bureau R.F. and AL.) to the Asst Comr of Tennessee for any information that can be furnished respecting Jackson Browell.
Sigd J.M. Schofield
Bvt. Maj Genl. Asst Comr
Official O Brown


White Geo Q.
Bvt Maj. Chf Q.M. &c

DeLamater J.J.
Surg in Chf. &c


Bureau R.F and AL.
Office Chf Med Off. D. of P.
Richmond Va Nov. 10th. 66

Respectfully referred to Brig Genl. O. Brown A AA 
 G. not approved but left subject to his decision
(Sgd) J.J. DeLamater
Surg in Chf. Bu R F and A L. D. of. P.

Bureau R.F. and A L.
H.Q. Asst Comr. Dept Potomac
Richmond Va Nov. 10th 66

Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj Geo. Q White Chf Q.M &c to know from what fund this account can be paid
By order of Maj Genl Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown


Chandler G.R.
Capt & Asst. S.

Bureau R.F. and A L
H.Q. Ass't Comr Dept Potomac
Richmond Va. Nov. 10th 66

Respectfully returned. Capt Chandler must state whether in his opinion the Govt will be relieved from the support of the family if the desired transportation is given
By order of Bvt Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown


Cook. G.L.
Lt. and Asst. S.

How _.
Bvt. Maj &c.

Received back Nov 10th 66
Bureau R.F and A L
H.Q. 9th Dist Dept. P.
Winchester Va Nov. 6th 66

Respectfully returned no record can be found in his office of the papers referred to nor of the disposition made of them. Bvt Maj How late Supt at this place has been written to and requested to furnish any information in his possession when is reply shall be received it will be duly forwarded.


Lacy. R.S.

(Sigd) J.R. Remington
Capt & Bt Maj. Supt


Remington J.H.
Bvt Maj & Supt

Bureau R.F. and A L.
H.Q. Asst Comr Dept. Potomac
Richmond Va Nov. 10th. 66.

Respectfully returned to Lt. Cook Asst Supt thro Capt R.S. Lacy Supt attention invited to endorsement of Bvt Maj Remington.
By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Schofield Asst. Comr.
O Brown


Stone J.R.
Bvt Maj & Supt

Sharp: Capt

Wilcox - Capt

Bureau R.F and A L
Office Supt 2nd Dist
Petersburg Va. Nov. 9th 66

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Genl O Brown AAAG. Capt Sharp having public property was ordered by me to turn it over to Capt Wilcox his  successor who has not reported to me consequently the former did not learn reports of murder robbery and assaults of negroes in Capt Sharps Dist having recently become frequent. in a personal interview with him yesterday I directed him to await the arrival of his successor unless further orders from your office required his immediate departure  He is now investigating a revolting murder case
Sigd J.R. Stone
Bvt. Maj. and Supt 2nd Dist

Bureau R.F and A L
H.Q. Ass't Comr Dept Potomac
Richmond Va. Nov. 10th 66

Respectfully returned. Bvt Maj Stone will at once relieve Capt Sharp in obedience to Special Order No. 163. from these Head Quarters
By order of Bvt Maj Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown


Potomac. Dept of

De Lamater J.J.
Surg in Chief

Received back Nov. 12th 66
Bureau R.F. and A L.
Office Surg in Chf Dept. P.
Richmond Va. Nov. 12th 66

Respectfully returned with the report that the Hospital has been fitted up with considerable care and expense by the Bureau- is admirably situated for a Hospital. with many conveniences attached. The following and expense at the cost of the Bureau. I am also quite certain from statements made to me when at Petersburg not long since that buildings which would properly accommodate the Hospital could not readily be 

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