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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
H.Q. Asst. Comr D of P.
Richmond Va Nov 13th 66
Respectfully referred to Bvt. Maj. Geo. Q. White Chf. Q.M. &c who will see that the repairs called for are made. The cost of such repairs to be within the amount therein specified. 
By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Schofield Asst Comr
O. Brown
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book.

L.R.M.422. 3rd.V.66  
Morse W. R.
Bvt Maj & Supt

Strang -
Bvt. Lt. Col.

Mourning Henry

Received back Nov. 13th. 66
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office Supt 4th Dist.
Gordonsville Va. Nov 10th
Respectfully returned to Genl. O. Brown A.A.A.G. H.Q. Asst. Comr State of Va. with affidavits to support claim and show identity in the case of Henry Mourning as requested by Bvt. Lt. Col Strang U.S.A. as Comr. of Oct 1st ult.
Sigd W. R. Morse
Bvt Maj. & Supt.


Bureau R.F. and A.L.
H.Q. Asst Comr D of P.
Richmond Va. Nov 13.66
Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj. W. R. Morse Supt 4th Dist. These cases should not be mixed in this manner. The evidence in the case of Henry Mourning will be furnished as directed and a separate application be made in the other cases. It would be well to obtain the signatures of two disinterested parties as witnesses to the applicants mark
By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Schofield Asst Com'r
O. Brown
S.250. 4th.V. Enclosed - (8 enclo) Rec'd back Nov 24"/66 See L.R.M.693. for disposition.

L.R.W.744. 4th V.66.
War Dept Bu. &c.

Morse W. R.
Bvt. Maj. & Supt.

Pratt Mr.

Received back Nov 14th 66
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
H.Q. Supt 4th Dist.
Gordonsville, Va Nov 12th

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, A.A.A.G. Hd Qrs Dept. Potomac inviting attention to enclosed report.
(Signed) W. R. Morse
Bvt. Maj. & Supt. 


War Dept. Bu. &c

Morse W. R. 
Bvt. Maj. & Supt.


Pratt Mr.

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
H.Q. Asst Comr. Dept. Potomac
Richmond Va. Nov 14th 66

Respectfully returned to Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard Comr. inviting attention to enclosed report of Maj. Morse the expense of this and other cases brought forward by Mr. Pratt renders it desirable that he shall be admonished by the society employing him, to be more prudent, or that his place should be filled by a better man.
Sigd J. M. Schofield
Maj. Genl. and Asst Comr
O. Brown

L.R.A."628" 4th V.66
War Dept Bu &c

Cooper, William

Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr Dept of P.
Richmond Va Nov 14th 66
Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard Comm. approved for all except William Cooper. It is behind that a man of Coopers age could find employment with less expense to the Gov't than the cost of transportation to Mobile.
Sigd. J. M. Schofield
Maj. Genl. Asst Comr
O. Brown

L.R."L"271 4th V.66  
Lacey R. S. 

Clay Dick

Stone J. R. 
Bvt Maj & Supt

Received back Nov 14th 1866
Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Office Supt 2. Dist
Petersburg Va Nov 13th 66

Respectfully returned to Capt R. S. Lacy (thro) Hd Qrs Asst Comr) with the information that no such person as "Dick Clay" or Torbert can be found in this city
Sigd J. R. Stone
Bvt Maj & Supt

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
H.Q. Asst Comr D. of P.
Richmond Va No. 14, 66

Respectfully returned to R. S. Lacey Supt inviting attention to endorsement of Bvt Maj J. R. Stone Supt
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Comr
O Brown
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

Transcription Notes:
Not finished. (Finished) Unclear: or [["Lambert"]] can (its Torbert) 5/20 - fully transcribed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 18:09:13