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L.R.W.797. 4.V.66.
Washburn Andrew

1. Vol. 1867. P. 5.

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r D of P
Richmond Va. Dec 14th/66
Respectfully returned to Mr Andrew Washburn Supt &c with the request that he will furnish information whether a suitable school room can be obtained, and if so, what will be its annual rental.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Com
O Brown

L.R.A.690. 4.V.66.
War Dept Bureau &c

Taylor W. E.

Bureau R F & A L
Office Supt 1st Dist Va
Norfolk Va Dec 13th/66
Respectfully referred to the Asst Com'r with information that every effort to remove these people has as yet been unsuccessful. Offers of transportation, quarters and Rations are treated with silence. The make no efforts to procure homes, saying that they will not work for the price paid. They threaten to shoot any who may be sent to force them to remove. — Nineteen families have made contracts with Mr Taylor to remain, the others he will not consent to let remain, and they will not remove.
Sg'd Wm P. Austin
Capt AAQM & Supt 1st Dist

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com D of P
Richmond Va Dec 15th/66
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Com'r in connection with other papers on this subject.
Sg'd J. M. Schofield
Bvt Maj Genl & Asst Comr

O Brown

L.R. B. 550. 4. V. 66.
Bates J. A. 
Capt & Supt

Ayers Ira Jr 
Bvt Col &c

Priddy Preston

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r D of P
Richmond Va Dec 15th/66
Respectfully returned to Capt J. A. Bates Supt &c who will instruct Bvt Col Ayers to demand the custody of the within named Preston Priddy in order that the medical aid necessary, may be furnished him


under the provisions of Sec. 5. of an Act to continue in force, and amend an act to establish a Bureau for the relief of Refugees and Freedmen, passed July 16th 1866. 
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Com'r
O Brown

L.R.M.620. 4.V.66.
Bates. J. A. Capt & Supt


Hill Thos

Hill W. F. 

Rec'd back Dec 15th/66
Bureau R F & A L
Office Asst Supt Counties of Culpepper & Orange
Culpepper Co' Ho' Dec 10th/66
Respectfully returned to Maj Morse Supt 4th Dist with reference to enclosed sworn statements of Thos Hill and W. F. Hill Culpepper Co Va in reference to the boy Edmond. Also to the letter of Lieut Chase to said Hill and the copy of contract drawn by Lt Chase binding the boy to Hill.
Sg'd W. Aug's MacNulty
Bvt Capt & Asst Supt

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r D of P
Richmond Va Dec 15th/66
Respectfully returned to Capt J. A. Bates Supt inviting attention to enclosed documents
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Schofield Asst Com'r
O Brown
(Wrapper 4. Enclosures)

L.R.M.724. 4.V.66.
White Geo. Q.
Bvt Maj &c

Rec'd back Dec 15th/66
Bureau R F & A L
Office Supt Education
Richmond Va Dec 14th/66
Respectfully returned to Genl. O. Brown with the recommendation that one hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.) be appropriated for fitting up a suitable school house at Appomattox C.H. The Pa Branch American Freedmans Union Com. assumes the maintenance of a free school for one hundred schollars — the number to be accommodated. The location is an important one, and an efficient teacher is on the ground laboring under very great disadvantages for the want of school rooms.
Sg'd R. M. Manly
Supt Education 

Transcription Notes:
The L.R. initial and number are most important for someone searching. Then the name comes, or whatever is in the left margin. If someone searches for Geo. Q. White, there are many letters referencing him. They will need to know the Letter initial and number, and the volume and year. 5/20 - not fully transcribed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-21 17:37:57 fully transcribed - made corrections ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 09:17:49 changed "provide" to "procure" homes changed "MacNully" to "MacNulty" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 16:05:32