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Report Continued

The United States vs Ferdinand Collier (White)
Prosecution for Assaulting with a Pistol one James Cary (Col'd)
After hearing the evidence in the above case the court has found the Defendant Not Guilty and the Defendant was therefore discharged

The United States vs Joe Mahood
Dec 21st. 1865 Judges present. Dodson May & Webb
Prosecution for breach of Peace in beating his Wife
After hearing the evidence in the above case the court has found the Defendant Guilty and Sentence him to pay a fine of one (1) dollar and give Security in the Sum of Fifty (50) dollars for his good behaviour & especially in beating his Wife for the next Six (6) Months

The United States vs Cincinnatus Brooks (W)
Prosecution for Murder in Shooting and killing one Adolphus Smith (Colored)
After hearing the evidence in the above case the court has committed the Defendant for trial before competent Military Authority and the court has recognized the Witnesses each in the Sum of (200) dollars for their appearance as testimony in the above trial

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 15:45:18