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Record of proceedings of the Freedmen's Court at Dist. No. 9 Bureau of R.F.& A.L. Va. for the month of April 1866. pursuant to, Circular Order, Bureau of R.F. & A.L. Headquarters Asst. Comr State of Virginia, Sept. 27th 1865.

[[7 Columned Table]]
| Date | Members of Court | Plaintiff | Defendant | Charges and Specifications or action | Findings | Sentence |
| | R.B. Wood, for Freedmen. Phillips for Whites. Lieut. M. S. Reed Asst. Supt. and Recorder.) | James Johnson, (colored) | Robert Vines. (white). | Recovery of Wages. | For Plaintiff. | Allowed Six Dollars |
| | | Washington Jackson. (colored) | William Todd. (white). | Recovery of Wages. | For Plaintiff. | Allowed Three and 13/100 Dollars |
| | | Claiborne Johnson. (colored)| James A. Jordan. (white). | Recovery of pay for knitting a seine | Claim disallowed. | |
| | | Becky  Thomas. (colored) | Thomas George. (colored). | Recovery of maintenance of a child. | For Plaintiff | Allowed One Dollar per week for support of the child. |
| | | George Black. (colored) | Wilson Burnett. (White). | Recovery of wages. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Fifteen Dollars. |
| | | Philip Kirby. (colored) | Robert Hudgins. (white). | Recovery of value of a hog shot. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Ten Dollars.|
| | | S. H. Gosline. (white).| Mary Hill. (colored). | Action on Stone account. |  For Plaintiff | Allowed Twenty One and 81/100 Dollars.|
| | | Hamilton Wilson (colored) | Samuel Sumpkins (Colored). | Repairs on Boat. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Five Dollars.|
| | | Priscilla Meredith (colored) | Claiborne Johnson (Colored). | Recovery of Wages. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Ten Dollars.|
| | | Heinbrick Murphy (colored) | Job Harley (Colored). | Trover and Conversion |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Twenty One Dollars.|
| | | Susan -  (colored) | George Grande (Colored). | Recovery of Value of hogshot |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Ten Dollars.|
| | | Thomas Marrow (colored) | William Ash.(Colored). | Action on copartnership. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Seven Dollars.|
| | | Warren Tolliver (colored) | William Ash (Colored). | Recovery of Wages |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Three Dollars.|
| | | Rober Roe (colored) | Samuel White (Colored). | Rent of Boat. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Thirteen Dollars.|
| | | Mrs. Dempsey. (white) | William Giles (Colored). | Action on Store Account |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Twenty Dollars.|
| | | Robert Wray (colored) | John King. (Colored). | Recovery of a loan |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Twenty Dollars.|
| | | John Everett (colored) | ballard Enland (Colored). | Repairs and cultivation. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Eight Dollars.|
| | | Peter Purdy (colored) | Emanuel Gregory (Colored). | Barter. |  For Plaintiff  | Allowed Four and 68/100 Dollars.|

Transcription Notes:
What you are transcribing as ,, are actually ditto marks " and should be transcribed with the words/phrase they represent.