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Record of preceedings of the Freedmens court for the county of King William state of Virginia for the 14th day of May 1866 convened pursuant to circular order Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c Hdqrs. Asst Com. State of Virginia Richmond Va September 27th 1865.

Members of Court
William Edwards For the Freedmen
St. John C. Chance Recorder

Charlotte Butler (Freedwoman) versus Geo. W. Lipscomb Action to recover wages for last year from fall Richmond untill last of the year.

Plaintiff worked for defendant all the year she had two children about 3 & 8 years old.

Defendant gave the boy one pair pants and the Plaintiff one dress and fed them all. Plaintiff was sick three weeks. defendant furnished medicine & medical attendance. 

The court gave verdict that the defendant is to pay the Plaintiff $3.00.