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Edward Wright cold. vs. Richard Henry. do.  Larceny
Dfat. plead guilty; -sentenced to confinement of hard labor, for three months.

Bureau R.F.A.L. vs. Tony Porter. (cold)  Shooting of cow.
Dfat. admitting that he shot and Killed one cow, said cow being the property of Bureau R.F.A.L. the Court ordered that he pay a fine of Twenty Dollars; Fifteen cash and Five on recpt. of first paymnet of wages from A.Q.M. Fort Monroe.

July 18th
Mambers Present
R. Wood   For Freedmen
Mont. S. Reed  1 Lieut V.R.C. Asst. Supt. Recordr

Alexander Lee. cold. vs. Henry Bryant. do.  Larceny
Dfat. plead guilty; -sentenced to confinement at hard labor for three months.

Martha Roe cold. vs. Mary E. Woodson. do.  Assault & Battery.
Dfat. plead guilty.  Sentenced to confinement for one month.