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Peter Taylor case 


with him. They went & the accused refused to give up the gun. He said we should not take the gun nor would he come to them-

Sentence - Fine & $2 costs & security to keep the [[?]] for 6 months. bond security in the penalty of $25 [[strikethrough]] & in deposit of such bond to be enforced on bond date. [[/strikethrough]]  Fine paid

3 Abram Bragg - charged with firing fire arms in the City. 
fined $4.-
costs -1.-
      $5 paid.-

James Withers - chged with carrying concealed weapon. [[strikethrough]] Saw him carry of a bolt of  cloth the property of [[/strikethrough]]
Witness In. 6 [[?]] - Found guilty & fined $15 & costs $1 & $16 paid

Dick Howard & Peter Hays - Taken up as vagrants
one from Pulaski County the other from Southampton
Sentenced to imprisoned 30 days. but to be hired out by the Intelligence office if he can get employment for them. - 

Alsey Rose -Larceny of a court from Ereck Steer &c stating he is from Wilson County N.C. Has been living in WH Williams' house since April last

Ereck Steer
Found guilty - sentence 3 months confinement--

Jim Johnson - chged with stealing money from Godfrey Mabry both colored- not guilty & discharged. -