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Russel + McCourt White Vs. Dunlap + Hill Col'd.} Store Acct.
Plntff allowed Fifty three 32/100 dolls.

Leon Parker Col'd. Vs. Edward Selden Col'd.} Loan
Plntff allowed Five dollars. 

Leah Patrich Col'd. Vs. Frank Gooden Col'd.} Burglary
Dfdt plead "guilty" sentenced to confined at hard labor, for three months at Mil. Prison Ft. Monroe Va. 

Eliza Wheeler Col'd. Vs. William Thomas Col'd.} Assault & Battery
Is appearing that both Dfdt & Plntff had been disturbing the peace, by fighting with each other, with about equal Freedmen, the Court ordered them both to be confined, for Five days.

December 12th
K. Wood For Freedmen
Month S. Reed 1st Asst. Supt Rec'dr