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the horse returned, by giving another horse for him, to which Wilkins consented, but refused to give the horse up until Billips brought him the other horse, the horse died in Wilkins' possession. 

Edmond Billips (col'd.) being duly sworn deposeth as follows, I sold the horse in question to Wilkins. thought I sold the horse too cheap and asked Wilkins if I would get another horse for him, equally as good if he would exchange as the horse I sold him was a favorite of my wifes to which he consented. I failed in obtaining the horse I was after and spent part of the money so I did not expect to get the horse back again. I did not have the horse in my possession after I sold him, and the horse died in Wilkin's possession.

The Court after mature deliberations decided not to allow the case.

V Baker (white) vs Edmond Dennis (col'd)
Charge Passing counterfeit money

F Baker (white) states that Dennis obtained goods in his store and paid for the same with a fifty dollar bill that has since been pronounced counterfeit. 

E.A. Leavitt (clerk) being duly sworn deposeth as follows. during the month of September last I sold Dennis a small bill of goods and received as pay a $50 00/100 bill. I examined the note, saw that it was considerably

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-22 11:48:59