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Digest of the Proceedings of Freedmen's Court held in 1st Division 5th Sub Dist. Va during the month of May 1867

May 15th 1867

Robert Wood  for Freedmen
M.S. Reed  1st Lt V.R.C. A.S.A. Comr Recorder

Jupiter Davis  Colored
Michl Denell  White
} Pasturage (horse)

Plaintiff allowed by agreement sum 50/100 dolls.

S. Thanhauser  white 
Jacob Waters  Colored 
} Larceny

Deft plead "not guilty"
Edward E. Armstead (col'd) (sworn) testified that having shoes fall on floor of store, he turned an saw Deft running from store ran after, caught deft. with one pair of shoes, which he identified as the property of Plaintiff.

Plaintiff identified the shoes as his property.

"guilty" sentenced to confinement at hard labor for one month at Military Prison. 

Matilda Fields  Colored
William Sparks  colored
} Board

Pltff claims money due for board and