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List of Citizens selected by the Citizens and Freedmen of the following Counties to form a Freedman's Court, as directed by Circular, 27th September, 1865, [[?]] Asst. Commissioner Va.

[[6 column table]]
| Station | Agents selected by Citizens | Agents selected by Freedmen | Asst. Superintendents | Post Office Address | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Albemarle Co. | Wm H [[Cranks?]] | Dury Woods | Lieut. Jas. Joyes | Charlottesville, Va. |   |
| Fluvanna Co. | Montillo Clark | Wm J. Haden |   |   |   |
| Goochland Co. | John Thompson Jr. | Tho. M. Fuvillian | Lieut J. F. Wilson | Goochland C.H. Va. |   |
| Gordonsville | Dr. David Parnill | H. M. Sinney (Essignee | Capt. Saml W. Carpenter | Gordonsville, Va. |   |
| Green Co. | Geo. B. DeLancy | Thos. Eddington | Lieut. A. B. Sweeney | Stanardsville, Va. |   |
| Louisa Co. | John Hunter | H. W. Murray | Capt. Jas Ashworth | Louisa C. H. Va. |   |
| Orange Co. | Lewis B. Williams | Wm L. Duval | Capt. Jno. W. Barnes | Orange C. H., Va. |   |
| Culpepper Co. | Freeman | Geo Williams | Lieut. W. S. Chase | Culpeper C.H. Va. |   |
| Spottsylvania | Addison M Kenney | Wm Spooner | Lieut. H. W. Eddleson | Spottsylvania C.H. Va. |   |
| Essex Co. | Peter Ainslie | Theodore P. Bond |   |   |   |
| Hanover Co. | Wm C. Stickham | Chas. Morris | Lieut. Ed. Murphy | Hanover C.H. Va |   |
| Madison Co. | Thos. J. Humphreys | Peyton L. Thomas | Lieut W.R. Wentworth | Madison C.H. Va. |   |

I certify that the above Report is correct
T. Frank Krandon
Capt. & A.Q.M. &
Supt. 4th Dist. Va.