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District of Eastern Virginia
Norfolk Nov the 7th 1865

Monthly Report of a Colored School, taught by Mrs Corwin Fisher & Miss Hoit in Norfolk Va. for the month of October 1865
Name or designation of the School No 1. District No 1
Location of the school, A. M.E. Church 
When established, October the 9th 1865
Its first teacher, Miss H. C. Fisher and Mrs D. C. Corwin
Its present teacher or teachers, Miss H. C. Fisher, Miss D C. Corwin & M A. Hoit 

1. Number of days kept. 17 and sessions in length, three & four hours
2. Number and length of sessions. 17
3. Number of pupils on register. 95
4. Average attendance for the month. 60
5. Whole number of males. 44
6. Whole number of females. 51
7. Number over 16 years of age. None
8. Number under 6 years of age. none
9. Number of pupils who read and spell. 95
10. Number who study mental arithmetic. 25
11. Number who pursue written arithmetic. none
12. Number who study geography. 26
13. Number who write. 95
14. Is singing taught in school? It is
15. Number of mulattoes. at least half
16. Number of pure blacks. doubtful if any
17. Do the mulattoes show any more capacity that the blacks? We have not observed that they do
18. Number of whites. none
19. Number who attend to needlework. None
20. School furniture and books in use. Third Readers, 30
21. School furniture and books needed. [strikethrough] none [strikethrough] Second Readers 65

Each teacher will make out a monthly report, sign and return the same to Rev R M Manly on or before the tenth of the succeeding month. All the blanks should be filled, giving approximate returns, if exact ones can not be obtained.

State the general progress of the school for the month, the chief obstacles encountered, any cases of insubordination that have occurred, and the method of disposing of them, with such suggestions as may have a bearing upon the welfare of the school; also, condition of freed people in your district, especially of the parents of your pupils, with suggestions bearing upon their welfare.