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[Ed. Form No. 4.]
For the Month of October 1867

☞ A School under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one Assistant, is to be reported as one School.
☞ To be forwarded as soon as possible after the 1st of each month.

Number of Day-Schools.  1
Number of Night-Schools.  0
Location, and Name of School.  New Boston School House
When opened.  April 1 1867
Societies, &c., Patrons.  0
Number of Schools sustained by freedmen.  1
Number of Schools sustained in part by freedmen. 0 
Number of teachers transported by Bureau.  0
Number of School buildings owned by freedmen. 1 
Number of School buildings furnished by Bureau.  0
Whole number of teachers.  1
White.  0
Colored.  1
Whole number of pupils enrolled.  29
Male.  14
Female.  15
Number of pupils enrolled last report.  28
Number left school this month.  3
Number of new scholars this month.  4
Average attendance.  24
Number of pupils paying tuition.  29
Number of White Pupils.  0
Number always present.  24
Number always punctual.  24
Number over 16 years of age.  0
Number in Alphabet.  0
Number who spell and read easy lessons.  16
Number of advanced readers.  3
Number in geography.  2
Number in arithmetic.  2
Number in higher branches.  0
Number in writing.  14
Number on needlework.  0
Number free before the war.  18
Number of Sabbath Schools.  1
Number of pupils in Sabbath Schools.  50

To these questions give exact, or approximate answers.
1. How many of above Schools are graded?  0
How many grades?  0
2. How many Day or Night Schools, within your knowledge, not reported above?  1
Number of pupils (estimated) in such Schools?  23
3. How many Teachers in the above Day or Night Schools?  1
White,  0
Colored,  1
4. How many Sabbath Schools, within your knowledge, not reported above?  5
Number of pupils (estimated) in such Schools? 407 
5. How many Teachers in the above Sabbath Schools?  22
White,  0
Colored, 22 
6. How many Industrial Schools?  0
Whole number of Pupils in all?  0
State the kind of work done,  0
7. Whole amount of tuition paid by the Freedmen during the month,  $15
8. Whole amount of expenses for the above Schools by the Bureau for the month,  8 
9. Grand total of expense per month for support of above schools by all parties,  $23
10. Whole number of High or Normal Schools,  0
How many pupils in all?  0
11. Remarks.  
At New Boston the [[?]] are trying to make the arrangement to build a School House and think that they [[?]] in two months

☞ This Report is incomplete unless each blank is filled by a number, or cypher.

Transcription Notes:
NOT A TABLE. Please just fill in the answers. unsure of signature at bottom of the page