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Newtown, Va.
Report for Month of February 1869

Name of Sch? Newtown, Va,
Da or night? Da, Grade? Prim. & Secondary.
Prs. Sess. Com? Feb. 15. '69 Close? June 29. 1869
Is sch. sup. by Ed. So? Yes. What? Pres. Com H. Missions.
Is sch. sup. by F. Sch. B'd? No.
Name? 0
Amt. p'd? 0
Is sch. sup. by pt. Sch. B'd? No.
Name? 0
Amt. p'd? 0
Is Sch. Whol. by Fdmn? No.
Amt. p'd? 0
Is Sch. in pt. Fdmn? No.
Amt. p'd? 0
Trans. this term? Yes.
Owns sch. buildg Freedmen
Amount p'd by F.B. No.
How much per mo? 0
Teach & Assists? 1 
Wh? 0
Col? 1
Enroll for mo? 39
M? 22
F? 17
Enroll last [[?]]? 0
new pupils? [[strikethrough]] No Col? [[/strikethrough]] 39
No. attnd? 35
Tu. paid? 0
Wh. pup? 0
Hrs. per md? 6
At. present? 20
Das this mo? 10
Al. [[?]]? 18
Over 16? 5
Alphabet? 10
Spell & R'd ea. less? 20
Adv Rdrs? 9
Geog 0
Arth? 0
New Pupuils 39
No. how much per mo? 0
Month O 
M: 22 Feb. 17
Hrs. Per da? 6
Das this mo: 10