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[Ed. Form, No. 3.]
For the Month of March, 1869.

☞ To contain one entire calendar month, and to be forwarded as soon as possible after the close of the month.
☞ A School under the distinct control of one Teacher, or a Teacher with one Assistant, is to be reported as one School.

[[2 columned table]] 

|   |[Answers placed here.]|
| Name of your School? NE[[?]] Pisgah | Location (town, county, or district)? Falls Church | 
| Is it a Day or Night School? Day | Of what grade? Secondary |
| When did your present session commence? Oct 1st | When to close? First of May, 1869 |
| Is your School supported by an Educational Society? No | What Society? |
| Is your School supported wholly by local School Board?* No | Name of Board or Com.? | Am't pd. this month? |
| Is your School supported in part by local School Board?* | Name of Board or Com.? | Am't pd. this month? |
| Is your School supported wholly by Freedmen? | Amount paid this month? | 
| Is your School supported in part by Freedmen? | Amount paid this month? | 
| Have you had Bureau transportation this term? | 
| Who owns the School-building? Freedmen
| Is rent paid by Freedmen's Bureau? | How much per month? | 
| What number of Teachers and Assistants in your School? One | White? No | Colored? Yes | 
Total enrolment for the month?† 64 | Male? 28 | Female? 39 | 
| Number enrolled last report? | 64 | {Number enrolled last report, by adding new scholars and subtracting those left school, must equal the present total enrolment.}
| Number left school this month? | 9 | 
| Number new Scholars this month? | 
| What is the average attendance? | 32 | 
| Number of Pupils for whom tuition is paid? [[unclear if 32 is for this line or prior line]]
| Number of White Pupils? | 2 | 
| Number always present? | 32 | 
| Number always punctual? | 32 | 
| Number over 16 years of age? | 11 | 
| Number in Alphabet? | 
| Number who spell, and read easy lessons? | 61 | 21 |
| Number in advanced readers? | 32 | 35 |
| Number in Geography? | 32 | 17 |
| Number in Arithmetic? | 32 | 21 |
| Number in higher branches? | [[17?]] |
| Number in Writing? | 21 in book, all write our states | 
| Number in Needle-work? | 
| Number free before the war? |  
| Have you a Sabbath-School? | How many Teachers? | How many Pupils? | 
| Have you an Industrial School? | How many Teachers? | How many Pupils? | 
| State the kind of work done? | 

☞ To the following questions give exact or approximate answers, prefixing to the latter the word "about."
| 1. Do you know of any Schools for Refugees or Freedmen not reported to the State Superintendent? | 
 How many? | 
| 2. Give (estimated) whole number of pupils in all such Schools? | No. of Teachers, | White, | Colored, | 
| 3. Do you know of Sabbath Schools not reported to the State Superintendent? | How many? | 
| 4. Give (estimated) whole number of pupils in all such Schools? | No. of Teachers, | White, | Colored, | 
| 5. State the public sentiment towards Colored Schools, | 
| 6. How many pupils in your School are members of a Temperance Society? | Name of the Society? |  
| Remarks. | 

Harriet Jenkins

* Or School Committee, either District, Town, City, County, or State?
† A pupil is not to be REPORTED as enrolled until after five days' attendance.

[[Having?]] no reports of the present year 
I have used one of last year's printing.