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Reports of changes in Officers and Civilians doing duty in the Bureau R.F. and A.L., State of Virginia, during the month ending May 31st 1867.

[[9 columned table]]
| Name | Rank | Regiment &c. | Duty | Order assigning such duty Date & c. | Order assigning such duty No or by whom. | Station. Head Qrs | Station. County | Remarks. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
|   |   |   | Head | Quarters, | Asst Comr Ste of Va., |   |   |   | 
| Webber, E.M. | Civilian |   | Inspector | May 9th 1867. | S.O. 56- H'd Q'rs Asst. Com'r Va., | Richmond | Henrico | {Appointed May 7th 1867, to date from May 1st - Salary 125.00/100 per month. | 
|   |   | Second | Sub - District, | Bvt. Maj. J.R. Stone, | S.A. Com'r |   |   |   | 
| Burke, John | Civilian |   | Agent | May 4th 1867. | S.O. 55, par. 1 - H. Q'rs Asst. Com'r Va., | Dinwiddie C.H. | {Dinwiddie Prince George | {Appointed April 10th 1867. - Salary $100 per month. |  
|   |   | Third | Sub - District, | Capt. Jas. A. Bates, | S.A. Com'r |   |   |   | 
| Hambrick, Paul, R. | 2nd Lieut. | 45th U.S.I. |   | May 2nd 1867. | S.O. 53, par. 1. - H. Q'rs A. Com'r Va., | Richmond | Henrico | On duty at Hd Qrs 3rd Sub. Dist. |  
| Bates, Jas. A. | Captain | 43rd U.S.I. | Sub. Asst. Com'r | Nov. 10th 1866 | S.O. 168, par. 3 - H. Qrs, A. Com'r Dep. Pot. | Richmond | Henrico | {Absent on 4 month & 3 days leave - Commencing May 24th 1867 | 
|   |   | Fifth | Sub-District, | S.C. Armstrong, | Agent in charge |   |   |   | 
| Smith, Frank, K. | Civilian |   | Agent | {May 21st 1867. | S.O., 60 - par. 2., H'd Q'rs A. Com'r Va., | Matthews C.H. | {Matthews Gloucester | {Relieved from duty, Apl. 29, 1867, and honorably discharged, May 3, 1867, by S.O. 54. par. 1, - H'd Q'rs A. Com'r Va., } Reassigned to duty. Salary $100 per month. | 
| Howlett, H.R. | Civilian |   | Agent | April 29th 1867. | S.O., 52, par. 2., H'd Q'rs A. Com'r Va., | Matthews C.H. | {Matthews Gloucester | {Relieved from duty by S.O. 60, par. 1. - C.S., H'd Q'rs A. Com'r, Va., & discharged May 21st 1867. | 
|   |   | Tenth  | Sub - District, | Captain S.P. Lee, | S.A. Com'r |   |   |   | 
| Atwood, R.N. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg. | April 25th 1867 | S.O. 14, par. 2., Surg. in Chf. | Alexandria | Alexandria | {Relieved from duty at Winchester and ordered to Alexandria, Va., to take charge of Hosp'l - Apr. 30, 1867. | 
| Turner, Thos. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg. | May 21st 1867. | S.O. 15, par. I., Surg. in Chf. | {Contract, dated Feb. 13, 1866. - Salary $100 per month. | 

Richmond, Va., 
June 14th 1867. 

O Brown 
Bvt. Brig. Gen'l Vols. 
Asst. Com'r 

Transcription Notes:
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