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Report of changes in Officers and Civilians doing duty in the Bureau R.F. and A. Lands Dist of Va. during the month ending October 31st. 1867. (Continued)

[[10 Columned Table]]
| Names | Rank | Regt | Duty | Order assigning such duty Date | Order assigning such duty No. &c. or by whom | Station Place | Station County | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   |   |   | 10th | Sub Dist | Capt. S.P. Lee, | S.A. Com'r. |   |   |
| Whitten Newton | 1st Lieut | V.R.C. | A.A.Q.M. | Feby 23/67 | S.O. 27. Head Qrs: A. Comr. Dist: of Col: | Alexandria | Alexandria | Relieved from duty in 10th S. Dist. by S.O. 108. par. 1. C.s. H.Q.A.C. Va and assngd. to duty in 7th S. Dist: Va by S.O 116. par. 4. C.S. H.Q.A.C. Va |

Richmond Va.
November 13th 1867.

O Brown
Bvt: Brig: Genl. Vols
Asst. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
this is ugly