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Officers & Civilians on duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
District of Virginia, on the 1st day of July, 1868.

[[9 columned table]]
| Name | Title | Regiment | Duty | Order assigning such duty No. &c, or | Order assigning such duty by whom | Station Place | Station County | Remarks | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   |   |   |   | Offic | ers. |   |   |   | 
|   |   |   | Asst. | Com'r., and | Staff |   |   |   | 
| Brown, Orlando | Col. & Bvt. Brig. Gen. | 24th U.S.C. Tps. | Asst. Com'r. | March 20, 1867 | S.O. 42, Par. 2, C.S., Bur. Hd. Qrs. | Richmond | Henrico |   | 
| Coulter, Will A | Lieut. & Bvt. Capt. | 12th U.S. Inf't'y. | A.A.A. Genl. | March 3, 1868 | S.O. 24, Par. 1, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | Richmond | Henrico |   |  
| Mallery, Garrick | Capt. & Bvt. Maj. | 43rd U.S. Inft'y. | A.A.I. Genl. | April 11, 1868 | S.O. 39, Par. 1, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | Richmond | Henrico |   |  
| White, Geo. Q. | Captain | 44th U.S. Inft'y. | Chf. Q.M. & D.O. | October 5, 1865 | S.O. 70, Par. 1, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | } Richmond | Henrico |   |  
|   |   |   | {Com. of Subs. | Jan'y. 13, 1868 | S.O. 6, Par. 1, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | } |   |   | 
|   |   | S.A. | Com'r. and | A.S.A. Comrs |   |   |   |   | 
| Lee, S.P. | Capt. & Bvt. Lt. Col. | 45th U.S. Inf't'y. | S.A. Com'r | {March 21, 1867 | S.O. 36, Par. 3, H.W., A. Com'r., Va. | } Alexandria | {Alexandria | } In charge of the 10th Sub-Dist. Va. | 
|   |   |   |   | {Oct. 11, 1867 | S.O. 108, Par. 1, H.Q., A. Com'r., Va. | } | {Alexandria | } In addition to his duties as S.A.C. (1st Div. 10th Sub-Dist) |  
| Remington, J.H. | Capt. & Bvt. Maj. | V.R.C. | S.A. Com'r | {Febr'y. 21, 1867 | S.O. 24, Par. 2, H.Q., A. Com'r., D. Pot. | } Norfolk | {Norfolk | } In charge of the 1st Sub-Dist. Va. | 
|   |   |   |   | {Nov. 20, 1867 | S.O. 121, Par. 2, H.Q. A. Com'r, Va. | } | {Co., & City of Norfolk | } In addition to his duties as S.A. Com'r (1st Div. 1st Sub-Dist.) | 
| Fleming, Geo. M. | 1st Lieut. | 11th U.S. Infty. | A.S.A. Com'r. | Nov. 7, 1867 | S.O. 118, Par. 11, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | Suffolk | {Nansemond | } 3rd Div. 1st Sub-Dist. | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | {Isle of Wight | } |  
| Field, Edward | 1st Lieut & Bvt. Capt. | 4th U.S. Art'y. | On duty at HQ 10th S.D. | April 18, 1868 | S.O. 38, Par. 1, H.Q., A. Com'r., Va. | Alexandria | Alexandria |   | 
| Hambrick, P.R. | 2d Leiut. | 45th U.S. Infty. | S.A. Com'r. | Sept. 28, 1867 | S.O. 104, Par. 5, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | Richmond | Henrico | In charge of the 3rd Sub-Dist. | 
| Rutherford, R.G. | 2d Lieut. | 45th U.S. Infty. | A.S.A. Com'r. | Oct. 28, 1867 | S.O. 115, Par. 2, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | Burkesville | Nottoway | 4th Div., 2nd Sub-Dist. |  
| Nesmith, L.A. | 2nd Lieut. | 12th U.S. Inft'y. | A.S.A. Com'r. | May 21, 1868 | S.O. 57, Par. 2, H.Q. A. Com'r., Va. | Amherst C.H. | {Amherst | } 6th Div. 7th Sub-Dist. |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | {Nelson | } |  
