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Report of changes in Officers & Civilians doing duty in Bureau of R.F. & A.L., Va. during the month ending July 31, 1868. (Continued).

[[9 Columned Table]]
| Name | Title | Regt. | Duty | Orders assigning such duty Date | Orders assigning such duty No. &c, or by whom | Station Place | Station County | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
5th Sub Dist. S.C. Armstrong, S.A. Comr.
| Carey E.R. | Civilian |   | A.A. Surg.| Dec. 13. 1867. |  S.O. 24, Par 1, Chf. Med. Off. | Yorktown | York | Contract annulled to date July 31. 1868. Reason: having resigned. Relieved from duty at Yorktown by S.O. 14, Par. 1. Off. Surg. in Chf. Va. date July 30. 1868. |

7th Sub. Dist. R.S. Lacey, S. A. Comr 
| Nesmith, L.A. | 2 Lieut. | 12. U.S.I. | A.S.A.C. | May 21 1868 | S.O. 57, Par 2, H.Q. A.C. Va. | Amherst C.H. | Amherst Nelson | Hd Qrs of the 6. Div. 7. S.D. removed from Amherst Co. to Lynchburg - Campbell Co. by S.O. 77.  Par. 4. H.Q. A.C. Va. dated July 2. 1868. |

9th Sub Dist J.A. McDonnell, S.A. Comr
| Hall, J.T.H. | Officer |   | A.S.A.C. | Jan. 30. 1866. | S.O. 1. Supt. 6. now 9. Dist. Va. | Woodstock | Shenandoah  Rockingham | Appointment revoked to date July 12/68. Relieved from duty in Bur. by S.O. 82. Par. 1. H.Q. A.C. Va. dat July 9. 1868. |

| Lynch, Wm. F. | Bvt. Lt. Col. & Capt. | 42, U.S.I. | A.S.A.C. | July 9. 1868. | S.O. 82. Par. 2. H.Q. A.C. Va. | Woodstock | Shenandoah Rockingham | Assigned to duty. |

10th Sub Dist. Bvt. Lt. Col. S.P. Lee. S.A. Comr.
| Field, Edward | Bvt. Capt. & 1 Lt. | 4. U.S. Arty. | On duty at Hd Qrs 10. S. Dist. | April 10. 1868. | S.O. 38. Par. 1. H.Q. A.C. Va. | Alexandria | Alexandria | So much of S.O. 1. C.S. Hd Qrs 10 S. Dist. Va. which assigns Capt. Field to duty as A.S.A.C. 1 Div. (Alexandria Co.) is approved by S.O. 82. Par. 3. H.Q. A.C. Va. date July 9/68. |

11th Sub Dist. Thos. P. Jackson, S.A. Comr.
| Davids, Laurence. L. | Civilian |   | Clerk | July 21. 1868. | S.O. 84. Par. 1. H.Q. A.C. Va. | Farmville | Pr. Edward | Assigned to duty as Clerk in Off. S.A.C. 10. S. Dist. Appointed an Agent July 17/68. Salary $100 per month. |

| Leahey, Thos. | Civilian |   | A.S.A.C. | April 8. 1868. | S.O. 36. Par. 1. H.Q. A.C. Va. | Farmville | Pr. Edward  Charlotte | Hd Qrs of the 1. Div. 11. S. Dist. removed from Farmville Pr. Edward Co. to Marysville, Charlotte Co. by S.O. 88. Par. 2. H.Q. A.C. Va. date July 27. 1868. |

Richmond, Va.
August 17. 1868.

O. Brown. 
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols.
Asst Comr.

Transcription Notes:
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