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their losses.
The number of outrages upon freedmen that has come to my knowledge is small, only one not heretofore reported, is worthy of mention.  It is the case of Jas Deal for stabbing Hank Tompkins.  My attention was called to his case by a communication from Jas R Morse J.P. at Cooksville.  I directed the Sheriff to arrest Deal and retain him in custody, but he has been unsuccessful so far in his efforts to do so.
Many Magistrates fail, as in this case, to do their duty; and the sheriff who appears both willing and anxious to do his, fails oftentimes from want of cooperation on the part of other civil officers.
The excitement and disorder growing out of the recent elections, caused particularly by false impressions upon the minds of the freedmen by those counting their votes, is fast disappearing, and the trouble apprehended from this source has abated.  It is feared however that trouble may occur at the beginning of the New Year, caused by that class who may find it difficult to procure work.

I am Lieut
Very respectfully
Your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bt Major
Sub As's't Comm'r

Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Miss Dec 14 ' 1867

Barber Lieut Merritt
A.A.A. Genl Bureau RF & AL
Vicksburg, Miss

In obedience to instructions contained in your endorsement of the 27th [[?]] in communication of Mr JL Roberts Agt Bureau RF & AL, DeKalb Miss, with refference to the assault on Henry Steel freedman, by John W. Gully Sheriff of Kimper County Miss.  I have the honor to report that an investigation of this affair proves it to have been if possible, more aggravated than as reported by Mr Roberts in his communications.  It appears that Gully having left the office, satisfied with the decision of the Agent in the matter in dispute between himself and the freedman Henry, again returned and without cause assaulted said Henry with a heavy hickory club, striking him over the head.
The [[?]] of Gully in this instance was undoubtedly to exhibit to [[?]] his total disregard for the authority of the Government and contempt and hatred for one of it's accredited agents.  I learned that he has since boasted that he could show them that he could split open a Nigger's head eaven in an office of the Bureau.
In view of the fact that he has twice been before a military tribunal and escaped punishment, and the probability of a like result in this instance if again brot[[brought?]] before one, I could earnestly but most respectfully recommend his prompt removal from an office which he not only disgraces but uses to obstruct the enforcement of the laws & acts of the Government.  This should be done in such manner as the cause of his removal may be no secret.
His outrageous conduct in this