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18  19
instance cannot with safety be over looked, and some action on the part of the Military Authorities is really necessary to indicate the authority of the Government and protect its offices from insult and abuse.
I am Lieut
very respectfully
You obe't sevt,
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bt Maj
Sub Asst Comm'r

Office Bureau RF&AL
Macon Miss Dec 14th 1867
Sunderland J. W. Capt
A.A.Q.M. Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Vicksburg Miss
I have the honor to transmit herewith my requisition for stationery for use of office for the 1st Qr 1868, and to request that a portion, at least, please be sent me as early as practicable, as the amount on hand is insufficient to last this month.
Very respectfully
Your Obedt servt
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bt Maj Sub Asst Com'r

Original by telegraph
Macon Miss Dec 29, 1867
Comd'g Officer  Port of Columbus,
Please have a non com'd officer & six men, mounted, report to me without delay, to assist the Civil Authorities in enforcing the laws which are resisted by an armed force of freedmen.
George S. Smith
Bt Maj Sub As's't Com'r

Office Bureau RF&AL
Macon Miss Dec 31st 1867
Barber  Lieut Merritt
AAA Genl Bureau RF & AL
Vicksburg Miss
I have the honor to transmit herewith reports as follows,
Forms 2 & 3 AG. for December 1867.
Very respectfully
Your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Capt Bt Maj Sub As's't Comm'r

Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Miss Jan 1st 186[[strikethrough]]7[[/strikethrough]]8
Sunderland  Capt J. W.
Act QM & DO Bureau RF&AL
Vicksburg Miss
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your check No. 100 on As's't Treas'r St. Louis for one hundred two & 25/100 dollars ($102.25) in payment of voucher, as follows.
W R Jackson $6.00
W R Jackson $6.50
W R Jackson $6.50
Danl H. Smith 15.00
M. L. Reed 15.00
Doc Bush 8.00
Geo. S. Smith $15.25
Geo. S. Smith 10.50
Geo. S. Smith 10.25
A. Klaus 5 00 
N T Warren 4.25

Very respectfully
Your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Late Capt VRC Bt Maj
Sub As's't Com'r