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Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Miss Jany 29' 1868

Sunderland Lieut J.W.
AAQM & DO Bureau RF & AL
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt this day of your favor of the 24th inst enclosing check #191 on Ass't Treas. U.S. at St Louis for Two Hundred 25/100 dollars $200.25, amount of vouchers as follows.
Carlton Herzstam, desks  $30.00
Capt. Geo. S. Smith postage  15.75
Capt. Geo. S. Smith postage  7.50
Asa Ellis, Rent, Decr  46.25
Capt Geo. S. Smith, Transpn.  26.25
Doc Bush  Services  8.00
W. Ferris  Services  6.50
Annie F. Clements, Rent Sept  15.00
Annie F Clements, Rent Octr  15.00
Annie F. Clements, Rent Novr  15.00
Annie F. Clements, Rend Decr  15.00

I am Lieut
very respy your obdt sert
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Com'r

Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Miss Jany 28/68

Sunderland 2 Lieut J.W.
AAQM  & DO Bureau RF & AL

I have the honor to transmit herewith invoices and receipts for property pertaining to the Bureau, and memorandum receipt for same, in accordance with Genl Order No. 3 Office As's't


Com'r for State of Mississippi, dated Vicksburg, January 18' 1868.
Please sign receipts and return to me at your earliest convenience.
Very Respectfully
Your obedt servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Comm'r

Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Miss Jany 31' 68

Barber Lieut Merritt
A.A.A. Genl Bu RF & AL
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith reports, forms 2 & 3 AG. for the month of January 1868.
Very respectfully
your obedt servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Com'r

Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Miss Feby 3rd 68

Pease Mr H. R.
Supt of Schools Bu RF & AL
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith school report for the month of January 1868.
Very respectfully
your obedt Servt,
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Com'r

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-30 16:38:20