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Office Bureau R F & A L
Macon Miss March 27' 1868

Howard. Maj Genl O. O.
Commissioner Bu R F & A L
Washington D.C. 

I have the honor to transmit herewith my final return as an Officer of the Army, of Stores pertaining to the Bureau R F & A L, and request a blank copy of affidavit, form "B,' none accompanying your communication of the 19th inst. 

Very respectfully
Your obdt Servt 
Geo. S. Smith
Late Capt VRC Bt Maj Vols

Office Bureau R F & A L
Macon Miss April 2d/68

Greene Maj S. C. 
AAA Genl Bu R F & A L
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith Report of Civillian Employees for the Month of March 1868.

Very respectfully
Your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Com'r


Office Bureau R F & A L
Macon Miss Apl 30 1868.

Sunderland Lieut J. W.
A A Q M & D O Bureau R F & A L
Vicksburg Miss

Enclosed please find Requisitions for Stationery for 1st & 2d Qrs 1868, signed as per request of March 31st 

I have the honor to be
very respectfully
your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Com'r

Office Bureau R F & A L
Macon Miss Apl 3d 1868.

Barber Lieut Merritt
A A A Genl Bu R F & A L
Vicksburg Miss

In reply to your communication of the 28th ult, I have the honor to inform you that there is no record evidence of the transfer of the property at Shuqualak to the late Rebel Government — Mr Haynie however admits the sale, and the present owner holds the building subject to the orders of the Government

Very respectfully 
Your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub As's't Com'r  


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-30 11:30:09 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-30 12:50:33 rearranged so surname not separated from first name/title