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Office Bureau RF&AL
Macon Miss May 8th 1868
Greene Major S. B.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to submit herewith my report of the operations of the Bureau, in this Sub District, during the month of April, as follows.
A decided change for the better in matters concerning the freed people, is apparent. Less animosity is exhibited by Whites towards the Blacks, and were it not for their political differences, the situation would be all that could be reasonably expected.
Planters are now loud in their praises of the manner in which the freedmen are conducting themselves, and universally accord that they are working better than at any period within the past two years -
There is much demand for labor, stimulated by the high price of Cotton; and all who desire, can readily find employment. Very few idling are now to be seen -
I discover that there are quite a number of farmers, who from inability or other [[strikethrough]] wise [[/strikethrough]] cause, fail to provide their employees with a sufficiency of food, and it is feared that distress will, in some cases, result
Already complaints from this cause have reached me -
On the night of the 9th a demonstration was made upon the freedmens school here, by parties disguised, windows were broken, benches pilled, one on [[strikethrough]] lt [[/strikethrough]] the top the other and stoves overturned. The matter was brought to the notice of the Civil Authorities, but the parties engaged in affair becoming alarmed, came forward, paid their fine and made good all damage done.
About the same time, the school of Danl H. Smith, at Deerbrook, was interfered with, and a white man who was assisting Smith, compelled to leave-
No destitution is known to exist. Abuse of freedmen has about wholly ceased. The crops are coming forward finely, and everyone is encouraged.
Very respy your obedt servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub Ass't Comr

Office Bureau RF&AL
Macon Miss June 3/68
Sunderland Lieut J. W.
AAQM & DO Bureau RF&AL
Macon Miss
I have the honor to transmit herewith vouchers as follows-
Geo. S. Smith services $146.67
Williams McMorris services $8.00
Very respectfully
your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub Ass't Com'r

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-29 22:59:58