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Office Bu R F & A L
Macon Miss July 16" 1868

Greene Maj S.C.
A A A Genl Bu R F & A.L.
Vicksburg Miss  

I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Bureau for this Sub Dist for the month of June 1868. to wit-   

Matters were progressing most favorably until the recent election, since which time, employers have exhibited a too ready willingness to discharge their employees, upon frivolous pretexts -
Complaints of this nature are daily made to me, and there are no indications at present of an early abatement of them. - Indeed, it seems that employers select this method of discharging their help with loss of pay, so soon as their series can be dispensed with, as a punishment for offences committed in the earlier part of the year.

It is universally accorded that the freedmen are faithfully observing their contracts and working far better than at any time since freed, and is it not strange in view of these facts the unwise practice of driving off prevails -

The moral and intellectual condition of the free people is steadily improving, and there is much hope that they will prove themselves worthy of the Confidence reposed in them

They new evince a desire to economise and improve their habits of living - certain it is that there then is less impertinence noticeable among them than was the case some time back -

The recent election passed off peaceably,


altho not without much excitement. The freedmen deporting themselves all the while in a most credible manner. The threats is generally made since thro the news-papers and other channels, because of the freedmen having voted. the republican ticked is having a bad effect.

The crops are most promising this is especially the case with the cotton which is reported better than in many years. 

In conclusion I have to say that the prospects for the future are highly encouraging 

I am Major
Your obedt Sert,
Geo. S. Smith
Sub Asst Com

Transcription Notes:
Guessed on some words towards the end of 50, sorry about that. the first question mark is progressing the second one is probably nature ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-30 13:04:45