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for their benefit —

The freedmen at Shuqualak have been prevented from holding service in an old church, in which they have heretofore been accustomed to meet for worship, & a school four miles west of there was threatened with a demonstration from the Ku Klux - 

A school has recently been started at Shuqualak, but with what success I have not learned.

A Sergeant and five enlisted men of the 34th Infantry reported here for duty on the 23d ult and are quartered in the Court House.

Their arrival created some excitement and no small degree of ill feeling among the Whites.

I have never before witnessed such malice as is exhibited by this people since the recent elections.

The crops - especially Cotton - are almost a complete failure and as a natural consequence, both Whites and Blacks are much discouraged —

I am Major
Very respectfully
Your obedt Servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub Asst Comr


Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Sept 19" 1868

Drew Lieut C.E.
Adjt Post
Columbus Miss

In reply to yours of the 17' inst just received, I have the honor to state that this office has no means of provisioning the Detachment here, whose rations run out tomorrow, 20th.

Genl Gillem inquired some time since as to facilities for quartering a company here. I replied favorably but have heard nothing further in the matter -  

I deem it important that U.S. troops should be stationed here.

Very respy &c
Geo. S. Smith.
Sub Ass't Com'r

Office Bureau RF & AL
Macon Miss Sept 19/68

Drew Lieut Chas. E.
Adjt Post 
Columbus Miss

I have the honor to inform you that the Detachment of your command stationed here has incurred some expense for fuel, medicine &c, & request to know how these accounts are to be paid - If required to be made up in proper form, please send blanks for the purposes.- 

Very respectfully
Your obdt servt
Geo. S. Smith
Sub Asst Comr

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-28 23:52:38