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NARA 541 with the trial I am ready & willing to do anything that is honorable & right.

I simply wanted to ask you not to think I did not wish to be brought to Trial, but I am ready. Do not believe any-thing the Negro says in Relation to his treatment here, because I can prove he lies, As for Mistreating him! I have been the best Friend he ever had up to the time we landed in Mississippi. He came very near being Shot on the Road to this Country & I interfered to Save him. I have witnessed his theft in a dozen instances. If you wish me to bring forward References I think you if you will call on Mr. W. Connor, & Judge Ruff of your Town, & Robt Holman of this Place.

Please drop me an answer to my note now
Very Respectfully
Robin L. Ruff

To H M S Ross
Agt B.R.F. & A.L.
Sub Dist Macon Miss

Sept 8/67
Robin L. Ruff

Left with the Civil Courts
but no answer made to this communication.
Acknowledged Sept 16 & filed for future reference. C