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NARA 561

Mobile Sept 16, 1867

Jno Williams
Agt B. R. F. & A. L. 

Dr Sir: 
Yours of the 14th inst. just rec'd. We have had a settlement with Mr. Colbert. He has the Acct Sales of all the cotton we sold for him as well as Statement of his a/c with us. or at least they have been sent him. Mr C. is the party, if any, responsible to "freedpersons." We have had no funds of his since last April, at which time we paid his draft for the balance due him -

Yrs Respectfully
Barnes Haynes & Co

P.S. If Mr C. desires Duplicate Acct Sales & Acct Current and will so write us, they shall be forwarded at once.
B.H. & Co.  

Transcription Notes:
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