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NARA 581
North this next year and tell the folks who have always been telling me that a negro could not be educated at all. That I know better. I already know better I want just to see how many we can get to read and write well . We have a splendid agent of the B.R.F. & A.L here Capt Cass. but he is sick and has been for a week or two and I thought he might not be able to give me the same satisfaction that you would yourself so I took the liberty of addressing you personally. I think I shall be able to suggest some valuable improvements in the mode of Conducting the Freedmens School's during the winter all of which I shall be happy to lay before you.

Pleas let me know if the Govt will pay our bord and the wood and lights for the school and if the Govt. intends to pay each Teacher 25 dollars p month close or just the Principle Teacher. I am of the opinion that it will be impossible to Continue the Schools with good teachers and let the teachers depend upon the Freedmen for a Salary sufficient to pay his bord and clothe him. I know that I have not been able to do it, but my brother thinks that he can get them to pay him better than they have done me. 

Hoping to hear from you soon I
Remain yr &c
M L Reed

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5.28.2024 - Please read the transcription guidelines under "Tips" - "Do not indicate font style, underlined, or bolded or italicized text."; Removed all [[underline]]s, resolved remaining [[?]] and marking for review