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NARA 659

Wm. M. Strickland,
James T Fant.

Attorneys at Law and General Collecting Agents.
Holly Springs, Miss. 9 Novr 1867


On the 4 inst. Dr. W. D. Dobbin of Noxubee County Miss. had an interview with the General Commanding 4 Mil Dist. and was informed by him, that he would require a statement in writing of the facts touching the matter submitted to him.

I have the honor to submit the statement of Dr. Dobbin, verified by affidavit, herewith and respecfully ask the favorable considerations of the General of the subject. And if consistent with the interest of the public good, that the Petitioner be relieved from the hardship set forth in his statement.

I am Mayor Very Respectfully  
Your Obt. Srvnt.
Wm. M. Strickland

Mayor O.D. Greene
Assistant Adj't. Gen'l
Holly Springs Miss.