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NARA 674

law should now be enforced to satisfy this obligation; before additional demands of the laborer are enforced by military authority. 

I shall continue to give my attention to this business, until I am deprived of all authority, by force, and shall have all irregularities on the part of the laborer or others, reported to you, and I shall demand of you speady correction of such.

After I shall have delivered the cotton ordered by me, to the, Macon Depot, and approved by you, I shall hold the crops of corn and cotton upon the plantation my merchant shall have given such security as the  Com'r General of this Department may deem sufficient to warrant the issuance of his authority to one, to remove it and dispose of it in market. 

I shall make application to the Com''r Gen'l at once, for a military guard to protect my property, until I shall have time to dispose of it, and all claims against me- and shall forward at the same time a copy of this communication. 

I am Sir very Respectfully 
Your obedient Servt.
Wm. D. Dabbin

Transcription Notes:
Checked Wm. D. Dabbin against wrapper. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-29 15:32:28