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NARA 733

Mobile Decer 11th 1867

Major Smith
Freedmans Bureau
Macon Miss

Dear Sir
The undersigned beg leave most respectfully to submit the following circumstances, to wit:

That whereas we have advanced money & supplies to Hendrix & Dobbin to the amount of $7736.91/100 for the purpose of enabling them to make a cotton & corn crop on the Plantation of Mr Bird Joy near Macon Miss, as follows for corn & meat money to purchase corn, money to buy clothing for the negro labourers, money to pay for: the rent of land which they were cultivating, Bagging & Iron ties to pack their crops of cotton & money to pay the Revenue Tax on thier cotton, all of which proof we now attach, & we furthemore beg leave to say that by virtue of your office you have seized upon the assets of said Hendrix & Dobbin & have sent to Messrs Longstreet, Owen & Co of N.O. Fifty or more bales of cotton made by said Hendrix & Dobbin to pay said Longstreet, Owen & Co a debt of about Two Thousand dollars, said to be

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