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NARA 886

to suppress the evil complain of, for simply it is morally wrong and great injustice to the freedmen, and in direct retabution [[retribution]] of military orders on that subject, I would respectfully ask you to inform of any particular case or cases, wherein freedmen have been driven from their respective places of labour, rations withheld, for cause stated and I will give the matter my immediate and prompt attention.

Yours of 2nd inst came to hand today; Mr Avery my Deputy complained of cases in town at the time. He Mr Avery states to me that he called on Alex Triplett freedman for his State County and Communication Taxes, that said Triplett refused to pay, and thereby forced Avery in pursuance of the statute of the state and ordinance of the Communities to levy on Tripplets Property for the payment of the same. Avery

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