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NARA 926

Macon, Miss. Sept. 12th 1868.

Maj. Jno Tyler
Asst. Adjt. Genl 4th Military District
Vicksburg, Miss.

Your favor of the 5th inst has just been handed to me.  In reply I have to say that my business is such that I would not feel myself warranted in accepting the office of Assessor of this county

I was an officer in the U.S. Army, and at the close of the war came here and invested over ten thousand dollars in real estate.  My planting operations have thus far resulted disastrously.  I have sought no office; but after consultation with a number of my friends had consented to accept the Sheriffalty of Noxubee County.

I was not aware until after my name had been recommended at Head-Quarters that the removal of Sheriff Thomas was meditated; and it is only in the event that such removal is thought expedient that I would willingly allow the use of my name for the position.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt.
R.C. Powers.