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Middleburg, VA-

Teachers Report- Month of May 1869-
Name of Sch? Middleburg, Va
Da. or night? Day 
Gr? Prim. Sec. & Gram.
Pres. Sess. Com? April 1. '69
Cl? June 29 '69 
Is sch. Sup by Ed. So? Yes.
What? Pres. Com. H. Missions.
Is sch. Sup Wholly by L. Sch. B'd No.
Name? 0
Amt p'd? 0
Is sch. Sup in pt by L. Sch. B'd No.
Name? 0
Amt p'd? 0
Is sch. Sup Whol. by Fdmn? No.
Amt p'd? 0
Is sch. Sup in pt by Fdmn? No.
Amt p'd? 0
Trans this term? Yes.
Owns Sch. Builg? Freedmen
Rent p'd by F.B? No. 
per mo? 0
Tea and assist? 2
White? 1 
Col? 1
Enroll. for mo? 74
M.? 36
F? 38
Enroll. last Rep? 70
Left sch? 7
No. New pupils this mo? 11
No. attend? 62
Tu p'd? 0
White pup? 0
N. present? 58

Hrs per day? 6
Das this mo? 21

N. punc? 49
Over 16? 8
Alph? 12
Spell &c? 24
Adv. Rdrs? 38
Geog? 15

Transcription Notes:
This form follows regular but abbreviated. Formatted as such. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-06-05 06:39:08 Assuming "DO" is same as " or "ditto" this seems correct.