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For the Month of April 1870.
Name of your School? Freedmen's
Location of your School? Amherst CH. Va
When did your present Session commence? Jan 1st
When to close?
Is your School supported by an Educational Society? yes
What Society? American Relief Society
Is your School support in part by Freedmen? yes
Amount paid this Month? $5.00
Who owns the School Building? Private Property
What number of Teachers in your School? 2
White? 2 Colored? none
Total Enrollment for the Month? 35
Males? 10 Females? 25
Number Enrolled last Report? 40
Number of Pupils left School this month? 10
Number new Pupils this month? 5
What is the average attendance? 30
Number of Pupils that missed not a day in the month?
Number of Pupils that missed not an hour in the month?
Number of 16 years of age? 3
Number in Alphabet? 2
Number in Primer? 3
Number in First Reader? 10
Number in Second Reader? 15
Number in Third Reader? 5
Number in Fourth Reader? none
Number in Fifth Reader? none
Number in Geography? 10
Number in Grammer? none
Number in Written Arithmetic? 12
Number in Mental Arithmetic? none
Number Writing on Paper? 15
Number Writing on Slate? 5
Number in History? none
Number of days taught this month? 20
Number of hours taught per day? 6

(Signed.) Virginia Chockley