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Teacher's Monthly School Report.
For the Month of June 1870.

Name of your School?....Temperance...Location(town) Salem. 
Is it a Day or Night School?...Day...Of what grade...Mixed.
When did your present session commence?....Jan 20th.
Is your School supported by an Educational So?...Yes.. Name_ Phil Friends 
Is your school supported wholly by local School Board?_ No.
Is your school supported partly by the local School Board?_ No
Is your school supported wholly by Freedmen?....No
Is your school supported in part by Freedmen?...Yes...Amt pd $3.40 
Have you had Bureau transportation this term? Yes
Who owns the School Building?....Citizens.
Is rent paid by Freedmen's Bureau?....No.
What number of Teachers and Assistants in your School.... 1
White...None. How many hours have you taught....6 1/2.
Colored.... Yes. How many days have you taught?...21
Total enrolment for the month? 81 Male 36....Female 45
Number enrolled last report? 80
Number left school this month?...9
Number new Scholars this month?..10
What is the average attendance?...37
Number of pupils for whom tuition is paid?....75
Number of White Pupils?....None.