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Aug 31st 1867
James Fulham appeared in compliance with summons, accounts examined and found correct; a misunderstanding the cause of complaint being made, but case left open for the examination of witnesses.
Sept. 10th After investigation - found the acct. all right - that is the charges of C.P. are counterballanced by charges of Mr F. and decided that Mr. F. owes C. Powell nothing.

Aug 29th 1867
J.A. Nash appeared in compliance with summons - Made charges against Silas Gibson for treatment and made said Gibson appear in his debt - Case held for further investigation  Case closed Sept. 3rd by striking off some of the charges of Mr. Nash and collecting for Gibson $15.64 as due him for his labor. Evidently Mr. Nash's intention to take advantage of Gibson's ignorance & defraud him.

[[left margin]] Appealed to Genl. Gillem - refd. to three referees - who find judgement of $18.40. Case closed Oct. 30th 1867. [[/left margin]]

Aug 30th 1867
Dr McGibbon appeared in compliance with summons, he acknowledges the debt, and stated his inability to pay at present, but would pay as means can be obtained, the case left open to see if Dr. McGibbon complys with his promise.