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Aug 31" 1869
Calven Bristor (Freedman) VS David Forest

Complains that Mr Forest wants to drive his Mother off from his place, in violation of Contract entered into - Summoned issued to Mr Forest appeare.
Sept 7" 1864 Mr. Forest
Mr Forest appeared in complains with request, and proved a violation of contract by freedman, freedman discharge from place, case settled by referrees.

Sept. 2nd 1867
Amos Jones (Freedman) vs J.D. Knox 

Complains that he kept & cured a horse for Mr. Knox who promised to pay him $20.00 for said cure, and now refuses to do so, Mr. Knox requested to make settlement, but ordered the said A. Jones off his premises. Mr. Knox states that he paid Amos $5.00 U.S.C. on lien of $20.00 Confederate money that was charged for the horse, that the horse was with Amos but four days and was not cured by him.

Sept. 4th 1867
Mariah Cook (Freedwoman) vs. W.L. Coney

Complains that she worked for Mr. Coney one month at $10.00 per month, and never recd. any thing for it. Notice sent Mr C. to appear on Friday at 1 PM. Sept. 6th1867. Deft. appeared - case trivial - no grounds for complaint  Case dismissed.


Sept. 4th 1867
Benjamin Powers (cold.) and Leancer Nelson (cold) Late privates in Capt John Wilson's Co "I" 78th Regt. U.S. Col. Infantry. enlisted Nov. 6th 1863 & mustered out Jan'y. 6th 1866 per S.O. 148 Hd. Qrs. Dept. of Louisiana, want to make application for "arrears of bounty" and "additional bounty" per Act of July 28th 1866. Blanks to be sent for and information requested. Both Slaves at time of enlistement.