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7 Julia Jones (Freedwoman) vs. D.W. Forrest Sept. 7th 1867 Complains that she worked for Mr. Forrest last year (1866) and did not get pay for it. Mr. Forrest present but having no witnesses case postponed till Friday Sept. 13th 1867. Evidence proves that Julia did not work - and made no crop. Case dismissed as groundless. Noble Lea vs. Thomas Battus (Freedman) Sept. 7th 1867 Contract made with the said T. Battus and he is entirely failing to comply with any part of the contract; notified to appear on Tuesday Sept 10th 1867. - Sept 10th - Mr. Lea appeared but the deft. would not let the summons be read to him, and refused to appear - an officer sent to arrest him. 8 Anthony Peter (col'd) vs. Thomas Stovall Sept. 7th 1867 Complains that he worked for Mr. S. last year - but has never been paid for his labor. Mr. S. summoned to appear with records - witnesses &c. on Tuesday Sept. 17th 1867. Deft. appeared in accordance with summons, and shows a receipt in full for the year 1866. Nathan [[strikethrough]] Sithis [[/strikethrough]] Staches (col'd) vs. R.S. Booth Sept. 11th 1867 Complains that in the settlement of sales of cotton &c. for last year, he did not get near all of what was coming to him. Summons sent to Mr. Booth to appear on Wednesday Sept. 18th 1867. Deft. appeared in accordance with summons, and proved that he made a fair and open settlement with Nathan - testimony entirely of col'd men - and perfectly satisfactory.